New KODA Director

The Mark Seven Deaf Foundation Board is pleased to announce the selection of our new KODA Director for this summer's KODA camp program, Megan Canne. We are very excited to have Megan on board and trust she will do a fabulous job this coming summer!

Megan Canne, born and raised in Rochester, NY, has been an avid participant of KODA Camp since 2001. From camper to counselor to (Counselors in Training (CIT) director, she now joins us in her twelfth summer at Camp Mark Seven as the new KODA Camp Program Director for 2015. Megan was more than happy to take on this position, stating that this has been a dream of hers since she was a first time camper at nine years old!!

Megan Canne

With a background in Deaf Studies and Human Development, Megan looks forward to using her degrees to help nurture and develop the KODA identity among our KODA campers -- a key part of our program here at CM7. Megan currently resides in Rochester, NY working as an educational interpreter in a kindergarten setting. She is excited to take on this new position and cannot wait to see what the summer brings for her and her KODA pals!